Hodgepodge: retreat, worship, emotional high,

There was this one day, when I was at UCR, when some guys came up to me to ask if I’d be interested in joining their Christian fraternity. I declined, because I was, at that time, part of Acts2Fellowship, so I’d be over-committing myself to all these things that I can’t do at once.

What they said afterwards was interesting.

They talked about how retreat was so “dope” and that I should really try it.

That made me, think…what are the dangers of chasing that emotional high.

The retreats I’ve been to with my church were great. I wouldn’t describe it as dope. The dangers in just getting the “dopeness” of the retreat is that will be all that you will get from it. The feels, the adrenaline.

If the focal point of worshipping God is getting that adrenaline rush, our passion will fade like the drop-off we experience when that adrenaline rush is over. God created adrenaline to give us
energy when we need it. To run with passion, and believe with fervor. If rely on adrenaline, if we seek this emotional high and when we come before God, in worship or Bible study, we’re not magnifying God. We’re magnifying and glorifying adrenaline.

We’re seeking that physiological experience. This physiological experience is meant to
aid you in worshiping God more fully and expressively. God does delight in our expressive gestures of love towards him. It’s important to then worship God in spirit and truth. It should be understanding the liberating and gut-wrenching truth of Jesus that inspires and convicts us to worship God more with passion. When we’re weary and broken, without an ounce
adrenaline left in our system, we won’t feel like worshiping God and obeying him. See the correlation?

When we understand the truth of gospel, and see our sin, and how we’re counted righteous by Jesus blood, that should be the turning point of our faith. Adrenaline will not save us. Adrenaline will not pump us through the darkest of times.

Seeking that experience will not save us. What saves us is also not our deeds. It is the redemptive work of Jesus. That is the focal point of our faith.

Are You a Good Spiritual Spotter?

Recently, I started lifting weights with my friend. When my friend said that he will help me bench press with 45 pound plates on each side, I got excited! Today, I can confidently say, bench pressing with 45s on each side will probably be just a dream. I can barely do 25s on each side.

Anyways, my strong friend can do at least 35-45 on each side. As much as I want him to become stronger through bench pressing, I sometimes wished he’d just stick with the 20s. I feared that I would be unable to help him rack 125 pounds because after I was done with my set my arms were usually dead. The spotter’s job is to help the person bench pressing lift the weights when he/she can’t to finish the set and to safely rack the weights.

The same principle of spotting can be applied to faith matters too. Am I being a good spiritual spotter for my fellow brothers and sisters? Am I helping them grow in their faith by challenging them to go out of their comfort zone? Am I supporting them and encouraging them with the Word of God when they are weary and burdened by bearing their burdens and helping them move forward?

Or am I stunting their growth because I myself am not growing enough to keep spurring them on to new heights, spiritually? Am I discouraging them because I’m not passionately seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness?

Proverbs 27:17 says that as “[i]ron sharpens iron…one man sharpens another.” What if I’m that dull blade? I’d never be sharpening anyone. People would be sharpening me, but I won’t be helping anyone become sharper. I’ll be like the consumer, the spiritual baby in the body of Christ. The one who takes, but never contributes.

“Bearing one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2) and “encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:25) are all biblical principles that God expects from us. Since it’s written in the Word, it must be carried out. I am without an excuse now. Well, there never was an excuse to disobey God’s Word….

I really like the NIV of Hebrews 10:24. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”